There are many questions about the role of philanthropy in society. One of the biggest is the balance between justice and charity. This has been a major source of debate for as long as charity has been practiced. It has been addressed by many great thinkers, including Mary Wollstonecraft, Immanuel Kant, and Martin Luther King. See more here...

Philanthropy, or charitable giving, is an important part of a democratic society. Its main goal is to solve social problems by supporting projects and initiatives that benefit all people. In some cases, philanthropy supports controversial efforts. The word philanthropy translates to "love for humankind" and comes from the Greek words anthropos,...

There are several types of philanthropy donations, including funds and land. To find out which kind of philanthropy is best for you, check with your attorney or the organization's development officers. You can also donate products, services, or both. Over 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies donate products or services every year to nonprofits....

The season of autumn coats and accessories is here. Don't get discouraged by the cold and damp weather and bring a bit of fashion to your casual outfits for every day. The hottest trend for this season is all the shades of grey.


Fashionista, stylist, professional blogger. I live in the fashion world and love my life. I am here to be your guide for the casual look.


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